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CLICK HERE TO READ what candidate for Town Supervisor Norman Greig has to say about his campaign and goals.

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CLICK HERE TO READ Town Board candidate Anthony Formisano's thoughts on the development of Cookingham Farm.

More thoughts from Town Board Candidate Anthony Formisano CLICK HERE TO READ

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I am running for the office of town supervisor for the Town of Red Hook. I am doing so after years of stewardship on this piece of land in Upper Red Hook and watching Red Hook gradually change, some good, some more painful to watch, I am aware that the most important role of town government is to create habitat for its residents. 

This service organization is charged with focusing on safety and affordability while balancing what we love most from the past with viability and opportunity in the future. Each person who lives here has their own dream about what they love about Red Hook and their own vision about what could be better. 

My hope is to keep an open and balanced dialogue in a government that helps create opportunity while maintaining a status quo that we can be comfortable with. I am looking forward to creating a forum at town meetings where every viewpoint can be heard, respected, and incorporated. A vibrant community is one of diverse opinions that can collocate peacefully and with respect.
I am looking forward to an opportunity to serve. 
Norman Greig

Red Hook Central School
Cornell University 
Bard College
LEAD New York 


Hi, my name is Anthony Formisano, and I am running for the position of Town of Red Hook Board. I believe I can make a difference for Red Hook by making better decisions and by working with our residents. I am retired and have the time to really do this job properly. I have decided that if I am elected, I will donate my salary to local charities in and around the Town of Red Hook. I am not doing this for personal gain but because we need to point this town in a good direction.

I graduated at the age of eighteen and had a full-time job as an electrician starting the following week. I have knowledge of drafting and reading blueprints. I became an owner of a general contracting company where I had a Westchester County home improvement license and managed all renovation jobs. For years I managed and maintained ten apartment buildings with over eight hundred families. I also owned and managed a family laundromat as well as owning and managing a three-family home for ten years. I was elected to my co-op board and served on the building, finance, and security committees for seven years and resigned when I moved to Red Hook. I can resolve problems and think outside the box to get things done.

My wife and I have lived in Red Hook for almost twenty years. Through the years I have learned and developed my human relations and decision-making skills. I enjoy my “Red Hook Living”, but I know it could be much better. I like long walks with my wife and meeting with our friends. I currently volunteer at the Red Hook Community Center in the “Clothes Closet”.

I am excited to run for and hopefully become a valuable Town of Red Hook board member to benefit all our residents and businesses.


Gary is a lifelong Dutchess County resident and proud to have lived in Red Hook for nearly 40 years. Raised on a farm, he learned early on the benefits of hard work and the importance of focusing on fixing things, making them better and fostering growth. 

He started with the New York Telephone Company at the early age of 17 and along the way, learned how to improve his management and leadership skills eventually overseeing up to two dozen craftsmen. Gary is a commercially rated pilot, holds an instructors rating and has also spent time as an airplane mechanic and charter pilot. 

As CEO of Trans-Intech, a technology transfer company working in the agricultural field with scientists and others his travels took him to Israel, Italy, Greece, India, Ireland, Lithuania, Uzbekistan, and Hawaii.

Gary is running for the town board to bring real accountability, fairness, balance, and open access and communication to our town government. 

Gary looks forward to hopefully becoming your valuable and engaged town board member. He is very proud to be a Republican candidate running alongside Norman Greig, a Democrat and Anthony Formisano, an Independent this November.


I have served the Town of Red Hook as Highway Superintendent for 13 years, and for 5 years prior as Highway Department Clerk. My mission has been to keep our town roads safe, to be responsive to our resident’s concerns, and to seek out the best ways to manage the Highway Department.


I am, and will continue to be, dedicated to the Town of Red Hook. My intent has been to serve with integrity and to face the challenges that come with the position, which can be considerable during times of extreme weather. Each winter is different, each budget is different, but my focus is always the same. I prepare for the worst and I do my best to address whatever the future brings.

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